13 August 2015

The Road to Angular 2.0 part 6: Migration


I gave a presentation at the GOTO conference in Amsterdam titled: The Road to Angular 2.0. In this presentation, I walked the Road to Angular 2.0 to figure out why Angular 2.0 was so different from 1.x.

This series of blogposts is a follow up to that presentation.


Last week we discussed the new bindings system in Angular 2.0, and we saw that by using trees Angular 2.0 applications use less memory and are faster than before.

In this final instalment of this series, we are going to look at how we can migrate our Angular 1.x applications to Angular 2.0.

06 August 2015

The Road to Angular 2.0 part 5: Bindings


I gave a presentation at the GOTO conference in Amsterdam titled: The Road to Angular 2.0. In this presentation, I walked the Road to Angular 2.0 to figure out why Angular 2.0 was so different from 1.x.

This series of blogposts is a follow up to that presentation.


Last week we discussed Components, which showed us a fundamental new way to think about our Angular applications.

This week we are going to look at bindings, aka the way Angular automagically updates values in our views. The Angular 2.0 team put a lot of effort in making this system faster. The team reports a speed increase that is 3x to 10x times faster than Angular 1.x.

But something had to change fundamentally in order for this speed increase to be possible.

30 July 2015

The Road to Angular 2.0 part 4: Components


I gave a presentation at the GOTO conference in Amsterdam titled: The Road to Angular 2.0. In this presentation, I walked the Road to Angular 2.0 to figure out why Angular 2.0 was so different from 1.x.

This series of blogposts is a follow up to that presentation.



Last week we took a look at TypeScript and how it is going to improve our productivity. That combined with the posts about the new template syntax and the post about ES6, gives us a good perspective on how our Angular 2.0 is going to be written.

This week’s post is about Components, and unlike the previous weeks topics, components changes the way we think about our Angular 2.0 applications, not just how we write Angular.

Lets start by looking what a component actually is.

23 July 2015

The Road to Angular 2.0 part 3: Types


I gave a presentation at the GOTO conference in Amsterdam titled: The Road to Angular 2.0. In this presentation, I walked the Road to Angular 2.0 to figure out why Angular 2.0 was so different from 1.x. This series of blogposts is a follow up to that presentation. theroadtoangular4


Last week we looked at ES6, the next version of JavaScript, and how it is going to change the way we write our Angular 2.0 code. However ES6 was not enough for the Angular 2.0 team. They wanted to add types and annotations to JavaScript. So what the Angular team did was create their own language, called AtScript, which compiled down to JavaScript, which included types and annotations. Microsoft was also working on a language with types which transpiles back to ES5. That language is called TypeScript, and has been developed since 2012. The only thing TypeScript missed, according to the Angular 2.0 team, were annotations. So the two teams got together and the Angular team convinced the TypeScript folks to add annotations. Now there was no more need for AtScript, and it was abandoned in favor for TypeScript. Why create your own language when there is already a better alternative?

16 July 2015

The Road to Angular 2.0 part 2: ES6


I gave a presentation at the GOTO conference in Amsterdam titled: The Road to Angular 2.0. In this presentation, I walked the Road to Angular 2.0 to figure out why Angular 2.0 was so different from 1.x.

This series of blogposts is a follow up to that presentation.



Last week we discussed the new template syntax in Angular 1.x. This week it is time to discus ES6 and how it affects Angular 2.0.

ECMAScript 6 is the next version of JavaScript. The specs have been frozen and now it is up to the browser vendors to implement them. ES6 brings us some exiting new features. Let's take a whirlwind tour and look at some of them.

09 July 2015

The Road to Angular 2.0 part 1: Template Syntax


A couple of weeks ago I gave a presentation at the GOTO conference in Amsterdam titled: The Road to Angular 2.0, in this presentation, I walked the Road to Angular 2.0 to figure out why Angular 2.0 was so different from 1.x.

This series of blogposts is a follow up to that presentation.

The Road

When the first details about Angular 2.0 emerged, my initial response was: "Wait, what?!" So many things will change from version 1.x to 2.0, is it even Angular?

So I started digging through design documents, meeting notes, blogposts, and watched ng-conf videos. I quickly discovered a theme: The web will fundamentally change and Angular must evolve with it.

Web Components are coming, ES6 is around the corner, TypeScript was invented. This series of blog posts takes you through these new innovations and shows you how they have influenced Angular 2.0’s design.

I like to visualise all of the changes from Angular 1.x to 2.0 as a road. On this road we will come past various places that represent changes to Angular 1.x. Throughout this series of blog posts we will visit each of these places, and dive into how and why they have influenced Angular 2.0’s design. Here is the Road to Angular 2.0:


13 April 2015

CORS with Spring MVC

In this blog post I will explain how to implement Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) on a Spring MVC backend.

25 March 2015

Ebase Xi - Unsafe by Default - XXE

In my previous blog post I questioned the safety of the default configuration of Ebase Xi. I knew then that something was wrong as I had already found and reported two vulnerabilities to Ebase. But nothing happened. On the 6th of march, much to my surprise, I got an official Ebase security alert informing me that 'All Ebase Servers are vulnerable to XXE attacks'. Which was one of the two issues I originally reported. Now that its public knowledge you can read this post for full details.

20 February 2015

In-memory MongoDB for unit and integration tests

A few weeks ago I found myself having to fix a bug in a production system which uses MongoDB as its primary means of storage. As I was unfamiliar with the codebase, we had just taken over the project, the first thing you do is trying to find the test covering this functionality.

Jaw drop; no test in sight. What was the case, none of the interactions with the backing storage was under any form of testing. So it could happen that a simple aggregation query wasn't returning the expected results

This was my first project in which I used MongoDB, coming from projects using HSQLDB to test the validity and outcome of queries, the first thing that flashed through my mind was in-memory MongoDB. The first hit on Google wasn't promising http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10005697/does-mongo-db-have-an-in-memory-mode, but luckily some following results hit the jackpot.

05 February 2015

CSRF / XSRF protection using Spring Security

The last few years there is an almost constant stream of news articles about some company leaking customer information one way or the other. While not all of these leaks are caused by badly protected websites themselves, a lot are caused by misconfigurations in the web/data servers, programmers still have a hard time integrating some basic protection against attacks.