30 October 2012

Force resource reloads after deploying your web application

There you go, deploying version 1.2 of your application. Tests ran smoothly, build succeeded. All is well. That is, until you get the first customer calls that the application "is broken badly" and "looks like shit". Sigh, not again. "Just ctrl-refresh your browser, sir" or worse, "Just empty your cache, ma'am". Stop blaming the users, you dork! There is an easy way out and here's how.

25 October 2012

Gotta Catch ’Em All - 100% test coverage

In this day and age, it is a generally accepted best practice that unit testing is a good thing. The way to check the degree of unit testing in a code base is to measure the test coverage. However, 100% test coverage is often frowned upon. It can be quite expensive, sometimes even impossible to reach this exalted state. Is it worth it? Can it be done?

15 October 2012

42 does Constraint violations, Query optimization and L2 Caching

42 has organized a series of internal workshops focusing on the chasm between Java development and managing the Database. Five workshops have already been given. The most recent workshop focused on the constraint violations, optimizing queries and level 2 caching. The workshops have a theoretical and a practical part. During the practical part, the students got to get their hands dirty with a couple of coding puzzles, immediately applying what they have learned.

11 October 2012

Instruct your Java application to facilitate the browser cache

Suppose you are using a Java application that serves content as you normally would static content. Are you sure your content makes use of standard HTTP caching functionality? If not, your application might have to endure a lot more reloads than necessary. The demo for this article is based on JOSS, ie a client tool for accessing OpenStack Object Storage. However, the principles described herein can be applied beyond the scope of JOSS. Learn here how.

02 October 2012

JOSS architecture approaches for integrating with OpenStack Object Storage

As discussed earlier, JOSS allows you to interact with OpenStack Object Storage. You have been shown how to get started with JOSS, so you got to know the library firsthand. Now, it is about time we start moving up the chain by discussing and showcasing various architecture models for integrating the OpenStack Object Storage component into your Java application.