26 March 2010

AspectJ checks and Clover instrumentation

In our projects we're using Atlassian's Clover as code coverage tool. In combination with Atlassian's Bamboo and Sonar this is a very powerful setup to control your project metrics. With the newest release of Bamboo it’s now easier then ever before to include Clover in your plans and get the result back in Bamboo. So I start including this in a couple of older projects which were still using on Cobertura for their code coverage and I ran into a problem with one of those projects.

24 March 2010

Het Microsoft effect

Het lijkt wel of het web, en ikzelf, ineens lyrisch wordt over CSS3 en HTML5 en dat Rich User Interfaces eindelijk een realiteit worden.
CSS3 voorbeelden en exercities springen uit de grond. <canvas>, <video>, <svg>, noemt het maar op. Meer met minder.